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Is unconditional love - Reality or myth

This is a topic I've thought about considerably and have figured out a few concepts on the subject. First lets see what can be called 'unconditional love' in the true sense:
"It should be love for a person or something where no conditions apply for your love to be present" (my definition)
Let us elaborate this with a few examples:

1- Suppose Tom loves hamburgers (he thinks unconditionally) so is it unconditional love? It can be but it should be able to withstand the following tests; will Tom still love hamburgers if he's had too many, will he if he's sick and nausea-sous, will he if he finds out that the place where he got his favorite hamburgers used to make them out of dead dog meat ! etc etc

2- Suppose Ben loves Carly, may think unconditionally, so does he? may be, but he would have to love her no matter what the case or situation. Like what if Carly is found dating another man? What if Carly's face gets burned by acid? What if Carly kills Ben's beloved mother? And suppose Carly just ignores Ben and lives her own life, gets married has kids, gets old. Will Ben who's a nobody to Carly still love her when they're 60 yrs old with their own families and they have never seen each other in 40 yrs ! ?

I think unconditional love for humans is too difficult but perhaps not impossible. But there is someone who can and does love unconditional forever and ever that's God.

Mystic poetry, hidden secrets

People have long forgotten, once great poets.

“O frenzied lover!

Take a drought of love’s pure wine…

Proclaim the secrets of the old wine seller,

And like the flute bring a message from the reed bed.

O call of the marching bell awake !”

By Sufi Jalal-u-din Rumi (1207-1273)


“I turned away from the world where sustenance takes the form of grain and water” says the falcon. “The solitude of the wilderness pleases me, for I was always a hermit by nature. One must shun the garden-dwellers, they have such seductive charms! The wind of the desert is what gives the blow of the brave it’s effect in the battle.

“I am not hungry for pigeon or dove, for renunciation is the mark of a falcon’s life- to swoop,withdraw and swoop again is just a pretext to keep up the heat of the blood. The East the West matter to the pheasants. The blue sky,vast and boundless, is mine”

By an old philosopher.

How did life originate? Abiogenesis or intelligent design

Please if you don't know about Abiogenesis the read it at wikipedia:

How did life originate ? By evolution ? NO. At this moment the HYPOTHESIS is that Abiogenesis caused life to originate by some random mixing of chemicals in primordial soups resulting in some early form of CELL etc.Why is it still a Hypothesis even after years of research and experiments?

Lets bring in some facts:
From wikipedia:
"A fundamental question is about the nature of the first self-replicating molecule. Since replication is accomplished in modern cells through the cooperative action of proteins and nucleic acids, the major schools of thought about how the process originated can be broadly classified as "proteins first" and "nucleic acids first".

What do you need to make even the most basic form of life? Either some specific protein or some specific nucleic acid.
Use some logic what are the chances so many amino acids or nucleotide monomers would be formed in one place?Suppose they were all formed in primordial soups what are the chances they would arrange in a specific 1000 long sequence?Why can't they arrange in any random sequence? Because even though infinite sequences could be formed only a very small fraction are actually useful. Even if one amino acid in a whole sequence is changed the protein becomes dysfunctional as in many diseases.

We agree that a rock is not living, that a certain degree of complexity is required for something to live. We have agreed that a television is complex but it is not living and cannot replicate, hence a specific complexity is required for life.

Suppose we take the protein first view then this complexity could be like a specific protein sequence of 1000 amino acids.
Note: I being a medical student realise that in reality the process for replication is extremely complex even for the most simplest living thing but here we are going on suppositions of scientists to probably meet the minimum requirements.

Lets do some Maths:
How many years since the Earth was created = 5 billion years = 1.5768 x 10^16 seconds

What are the chances you would win a 10 digit sequence lottery? If you know maths it you'll calculate around approx 1 in 10^10 chances

What are the Chances you would win a 1000 digit sequence lottery = around 10^1000

So even by the simplest of sequence it would take 10^1000 chances to make a simple protein by chance.
It means that ever second since the Earth was created you would be doing =10^1000/1.57 x 10^16 = 10^984 chances ! that is every pico (10^-12 sec) second it would be taking 10^972 seconds !
And chemical reactions are mostly very slow.

Someone pointed to me that all you would need would be some self replicating crystal and the rest would be taken over by evolution.
Here are some problems in the view:
1. Most scientist (as you saw on wikipedia) don't have this school of thought. Why? Because you need to know biology before arriving at hypothesis.
2. Suppose we agree it was a crystal then it still faces the same problems as the 'protein first' or 'nucleic acid first' view faced.
Because we can all see that no one has ever seen or produced a self replicating crystal, and the crystals we have seen or know about don't replicate, so the logical deduction would be that such a crystal would be one in an infinite possibilities as a protein or nucleic acid are. So the same concept would apply to defy it.

Another view that was presented was that how many lotteries are being played since the Earth is so Big?
Well I did some more maths to show that using the Earth's weight and the atomic mass unit you can calculate that the Earth has around 2.34 x 10^50 atoms, so even if there was a lottery played on every atom in this world (highly illogical) you would still be doing 10^922 chances !

So here you have LOGICAL, SCIENTIFIC , MATHEMATICAL proof that random chance cannot create specific complexity such as life.
As humans can create complex objects like a television and that random chance cannot not form a television similarly random chance cannot form life (which humans cannot create even) and hence an intelligent creator is definitely required.
If you agree to this point then we can further discuss about who this intelligent creator can be but otherwise it's pointless to go further.

Any questions? please comment.

Some people might incorrectly suppose I'm talking something about the second law of thermodynamics and probability mixture, well for them they would be disappointed to know that I agree with them that a system can undergo a decrease in Entropy, so what? Doesn't prove anything.

Top 10 killers of inocent people - see the stats

1. Mother nature: killing since the beginning of time natural disasters have surely killed innocent people in billions !

2. The World wars: killing around 16 million (world war 1) + 60 million (world war 2) = 76 million people ! (a strong contender for 1 st place)

3. Joseph Stalin: Killing around 14 million of his own people.

4. Adolf Hitler: Killing around 11 - 17 million people during the holoucast.

5. Us military : 2.2 million Vietnamese killed in Vietnam war + 1.2 million killed by US bombing in Laos and Cambodia + 100000 died in Iraq war + 140000 innocent civilians in Hiroshima + 80000 innocent civilians in Nagasaki - Japan Nuclear bombing.

6. Saddam Hussein : Killing 0.3 million Iraqis (also 0.7 million Iranian militants - not innocent)

7. Islamic terrorists: 3000 innocent Americans killed in 9/11 attack + 700 Americans killed since 1970 + 56 innocent London citizens in London suicide bombings + 4 Israelis killed by Hamas rocket attacks + lots of other small attacks which make breaking news everyday let's say totally killing 50000 innocent people, most of these would be among countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, India etc

8. Israel: Killed 500 innocent Palestinian citizens in Gaza bombing + nearly 10000 Palestinians killed since year 2000.

Now I know that I've missed lots of other figures (mostly tyrant rulers) but let's leave them out because now-a-days these are the more important stats.
I also know that I haven't been very accurate in stating all details BUT the main point was to give and overall estimate (you can see references at end of post).

Leaving mother nature you will see that two BIG killer Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were tyrants killing there own people averaging 12 million people ! another in this category is Saddam Hussein who killed nearly 0.3 million Iraqis.

Next comes American troops, they start wars and invade other countries killing innocent civilians in the process, they like to drop BIG bombs on whole cities of civilians, infact America is the only culprit to have used nuclear warfare killing 220000 citizens and give a everlasting impact on the health of subsequent generations. Another small player in this category is Israel who also likes to bomb cities full of civilians.

Then we have the terrorists, I've only included Islamic terrorists as everyone hates them (including myself) and non-Islamic terrorists seldom make much serious news. They are very consistent players they keep at small scale attacks taking out an average 50 civilians at a time. They biggest attack was probably 9/11 attacks but it took merely 3000 lives (not much compared to the BIG GUNS !)

Lets not forget about the World wars killing around 16 million (world war 1) + 60 million (world war 2) = 76 million people ! what more can I say.

Is Joseph Stalin a Muslim or Adolf Hitler ? Were the world wars started by Muslims ? Is the US military Muslim ? No they are not !
Who did Saddam Hussein kill ? Muslims of his own country !
Where do terrorists mostly attack ? Muslim countries !

Who was the ONLY culprit to use the Atomic bomb = America !
Who stops other countries from developing nuclear power = America !

Lots and Lots of Irony !
